With the buzz around the WannaCry ransomware cryptoworm, everyone is highly concerned about the best way to keep their companies safe.
About WannaCry Cyber-Attacks
WannaCry was released on the global web on May 12th, hitting individuals and small and medium business alike. It targets companies using Microsoft Windows, essentially encrypting data and demanding ransom payments. So far it has already infected 230,000 computers in over 150 countries. At this point decryption of data is not yet possible. If you have backups of the files, recovery may be possible. It is not recommended by most institutions to pay the ransom.
Why is it such a problem for companies?
WannaCry can spread throughout company´s networks without any employee interactions. It simply finds holes and vulnerabilities in outdated Window´s systems. Once a computer is infected, valuable data and information can be encrypted.
How to Protect Your Company
In order to build defenses and prevent now and future attacks, it is important to guard yourself with cyber security measures. Gartner says there are five points that are necessary for a cyber security system to have maximum efficiency and cost savings. These five aspects are:
First -detection, specialized sensors continuously gather information from all points across your network to quickly detect possible threats.
Second -investigation, this component reviews that evidence gathered to prioritize and confirm or refute attacks.
Third- forensics, that proactively collects and analyzes data relating to possible threats.
Fourth– response, a plan of action and remediation plan based on the data gathered and a carefully constructed visual attack storyline.
Fifth- react in real time to potential threats from day one.
What solutions are available?
All five aspects that Gartner recommends have been combined on a single unified platform called Verint Threat Protection System (TPS), built to integrate all information, and so you don´t need to purchase the different features separately. It can detect abnormal behavior in your computers, files and network in general, providing visibility and evaluations for the best plan of action to overcome any possible threats in real time. Comunycarse has been exclusively distributing TPS to companies in Spain and Portugal.
If you feel like you or your company is at risk, we urge you to employ the highest cyber-security measures to safeguard yourself. You can read more about solutions here and request a consultation.
For those companies in or near Madrid, we will be co-hosting a breakfast with Verint to discuss cyber security solutions on June 6th, 2017 from 9:00-13:00, at our offices in Pozuelo de Alarcon. Spots are limited so please contact us for additional information.